Creative Writing in Cornish

Date: 28th April 2021, Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, Location:

A vynn’ta maga dha skrifedh awenek? A vynn’ta usya dha Gernewek magata?
Do you want to nourish your creative writing? Do you want to use your Cornish as well?

Jun genen ni rag obershoppa awenek kevres gans Joe Lewis ha Taran Spalding-Jenkin, ha dyski usya Kernewek rag meur a draow. Y fydh edhom bos kyfyansek lowr yn dha Gernewek ha gans mall dhe assaya. Warbynn diwedh an obershoppys, ty a wra kavos kyfyans nowydh, skrifedh nowydh ha tybyansow nowydh rag an termyn a dheu.

Join us for a series of 3 creative workshops with Joe Lewis and Taran Spalding-Jenkin, and learn to use Cornish for many things. You will need to be fairly confident in your Cornish and keen to have a go. By the end of the workshops you will find new confidence, new writing and new ideas for the future.

Dy’Mergher 14ves, 21a, 28ves a vis Ebril 6 – 7.30 BST
Wednesdays 14, 21 and 28 April 6-7.30pm BST

Warlinen heb kost war Zoom
FREE Online via Zoom



Hwedhlor ha bardh-garma yw Taran. Ev re skrifas yn Kernewek rag dowlen radyo BBC ‘Our Words Sing Still’, hag yn jornal bardhonieth ‘The Poets’ Republic’. A-gynsow, ev re worfennas ragdres nowydh a-dro dhe gernowyon yowynk ha honanieth.

Taran is a storyteller and spoken word poet. He has written in Cornish for BBC radio programme ‘Our Words Sing Still’, and in the poetry journal ‘The Poets’ Republic’. He has recently finished a new project about Cornish youth and identity.

Joe yw den a pub liw- kepar ha lestrier Tewydnek: dyskader, skrifer, hwedhler ha gwarier. Yn y wonis, ev re dhyskas tevesigyon ha fleghes oll a-dro dhe Gernow hag a-ves. Ev re skrifas ha performyas rag fylm ha gwariva hag yma ganso kerensa arbennik a yeth ha dyski.

Joe is a man of all colours- like a Towednack dresser: a teacher, writer, storyteller and actor. In his work, he has taught adults and children all over Cornwall and beyond. He has written and performed for film and theatre and has a special love of language and learning.

Event Details

Date: 28th April 2021
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Map: Map Unavailable