Manga & Graphics with Keith Sparrow – monthly

Date: 10th December 2018, Time: 3:15 pm - 5:45 pm, Location: The Writers’ Block

A drop in workshop for budding young illustrators with Manga artist extraordinaire Keith Sparrow. Pop in any time between 3.15pm and 5.45pm. This is a monthly group. Our autumn dates are September 17th, October 15th, November 19th and December 10th. For ages 11 and upwards.

Tickets are £5 and available from , by telelphone on 01726 879500 or buy at Heartlands Pool or Tourist Offices in Penzance, St Ives or Truro.

For more information email [email protected] 

Event Details

Date: 10th December 2018
Time: 3:15 pm - 5:45 pm
Location: Merlin Bldg, Cornwall College
TR15 3RD
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