Young Journalists call out Armed Forces Day, the National Event in Falmouth

Are you aged 12-18 with an interest in the news? Would you enjoy learning how to sniff out a good story and being the first to tell it to the world? Are you ready to fact check, meet deadlines, work as part of a team? In other words, are you ready for some fun?


Are you aged 12-18 with an interest in the news? Would you enjoy learning how to sniff out a good story and being the first to tell it to the world? Are you ready to fact check, meet deadlines, work as part of a team? In other words, are you ready for some fun?

The Writers’ Block will be running a Young People’s News Hub in Falmouth as part of the Armed Forces Day, the National Event in Falmouth on 24 & 25 June.

Find out more information about the event HERE.

We are currently building a team of young reporters 12-18 years old ready to hone their skills as keen writers, confident interviewers, fast workers and energetic thinkers from Redruth, Penryn and Falmouth. You could be one of them!


  • You will be required to take part in a training session in early June, date tbc.
  • The News Hub will run for two days based in the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth.  One of those is a Friday so you will need to get permission for a day off school.  We would need a commitment for both days
  • You will work as part of a team and need to be willing to prepare a variety of stories for both social media and local radio, as well as written content for the website.
  • You will need to able to organise your own travel to and from Falmouth, bearing in mind that roads and public transport will be very busy that weekend.


Our Offer

  • Your mentors will include Leo Devine, former head of BBC South West, journalist and writer Rebecca Gregson, young journalists from the original Y7 news team, young writers and student journalists.
  • We can cover travel costs and will provide food.
  • We will make sure that all young people are chaperoned when out and about and we will undertake a full risk assessment.


How to apply

Email us with:

  • Why you want to join the News Hub, what excites you about the idea and what you want to gain from the experience. Please give us your full name, your age and where you live.
  • You must also include a few lines from a parent, carer or teacher as to why you would be good for this role and their contact email address.


The deadline for this is Monday 24th April at 5pm. Please email [email protected]  with your application or for any queries.

