Celebrating the Seasons with Micropoetry


Have you ever thought that you wanted to write, but didn’t have the time? This little prompt will take you about 20 minutes.

When people ask me about my favourite form of poetry, I always come back to haiku. These three line poems originated in Japan, and their form lends itself to exploring subject matter concisely.

As winter is upon us and the nights are drawing in, I thought this would be the perfect time to celebrate the seasons in poetry.


Haiku are three line poems, with particular rules.

The cold is coming (5 syllables)
Time for fireplace and book (7 syllables)
Cat on lap, perhaps? (5 syllables)  

One of the strengths of haiku is that they capture a single moment or image succinctly.


Your exercise is to think about your favourite season, and write a haiku in celebration. Think about the things that make that season special for you.

If you enjoy writing haiku, then you might also enjoy tanka, which add an additional two seven-syllable lines at the end.

Over time I have learned that haiku are as individual as fingerprints. I look forward to reading the poems you produce.


Two more seasonal haiku to inspire…

Dangerous pavements
But I face the ice this year
With my father’s stick

Seamus Heaney, 1.1.87


Sub-zero prison
Stranded without warning, so…
Hearth and slippers: home.

Casey Bottono



The Writers’ Block aims to encourage the creative writer in us all. But we know that not everyone can visit us in Pool so we have asked our creative team of writers & workshop leaders to come up with some writing exercises to share with everyone on line. Each month we will launch a new exercise.  If you are inspired by the exercise, please let us know, or publish and submit your writing online to The Story Republic Library.

