Writers Room: Our Mingled Selves Poems

The Ladder Redruth Launch Party

Created as part of The Writers’ Block Writers’ Room called Our Mingled Selves which was led by poet and lecturer John Wedgewood Clarke.

‘Our Mingled Selves – Writing our way into biodiversity on our doorstep.’

The Writers’ Block has been developing a programme of specialist Writers’ Rooms around specific genres. They are focussed on emerging writers working with experienced professional writers developing writing with a direct route to audiences. The Writers’ Block specialises in playfulness and collaborations across the art forms, with writing at its heart.

This Writers’ Room is focussed on environmental writing with John Wedgewood Clarke looking at different approaches to writing prose and poetry that recognises the indivisible relationship between ourselves and the local and global biodiversity that sustains us. Thinking about hybridity, porosity, entanglement and other eco-critical concepts alongside great examples of contemporary writing. Both serious and frivolous as we recognise what we’ve lost, what threatens us, but also what we still have close by that may lead us to a renewed sense of wonder.

The Writers’ Block worked with 3 emerging writers who are interested in creating new work around this theme. Below, are the outcomes of the Writers Room.

